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    主要研究方向为信息光学及光子学、衍射光学及微纳光学、激光全息技术、生物医学光子学等,在新型高分子全息记录材料及三维立体显示、高时空分辨瞬态激光全息技术及爆轰微粒场冲击波流场参数诊断、惯性约束聚变(ICF)强激光系统中衍射光学元件设计及制作、磁约束聚变(MCF)托卡马克装置中等离子体参数的光谱诊断技术、新型微脉冲激光雷达及声光差分光学吸收光谱(DOAS)技术及在大气污染监测中的应用、纳米复合材料的制备及非线性光学特性研究、自体荧光光谱技术在肺癌肺结核等疾病诊断中的应用研究等方向积累了丰富的研究经验,取得了创新性的研究成果。已承担各类科研项目20余项(其中主持国家自然科学基金项目4项),在Optics ExpressOptics LettersApplied OpticsApplied SpectroscopyOptics CommunicationsChinese Optics Letters等国内外学术刊物上发表SCIEI收录论文80余篇,获中国及美国专利授权6项。2002年起已培养指导光学专业博士、硕士研究生近40名。 








    Prof. Jianhua Zhu

    Department of Physics

    College of Physical Science and Technology

    Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064

    Email: zhujh@scu.edu.cn


    Research Interests:

    Information Optics and Photonics

    Diffractive Optics and Micro/Nano-optics

    Optical and Digital Holography

    Biomedical Photonics


    Selected Publications:

    1. Yu Li, Zhen Zhang, Jianhua Zhu; Broadband optical limiting properties of Tungsten Trioxide-Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) solid-state nanocomposite films, Optical Materials, 119, 111359, 2021

    2. Yuezheng Wang, Jianhua Zhu, Xuerong Chen; Autofluorescence spectroscopy of blood plasma with multivariate analysis methods for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, Optik, 224,165446, 2020

    3. Zengsen Lin, Yu Li, Yidong Hou, Jianhua Zhu. Nonlinear saturation absorption characteristics of three-dimensional chiral shell-like silver nanostructures, The Journal of Light Scattering (光散射学报), 31(2), 173, 2019

    4. Longjie Fang, Haoyi Zuo, Lin Pang, Zuogang Yang, Xicheng Zhang, Jianhua Zhu; Image reconstruction through thin scattering media by simulated annealing algorithm, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.106, 105-110, 2018

    5. Qian Zhou, Jianhua Zhu, Jinghe Yuan, Xiaohong Fang; Numerical Simulation of Surface-Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering on Gold Nanoparticle SubstrateJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17(3), 2152-2156, 2017

    6. Cheng Zhang, Longjie Fang, Jianhua Zhu, Haoyi Zuo, Fuhua Gao, Lin Pang; Four-element division algorithm for focusing light through scattering medium, Acta Physica Sinica(物理学报), 66(11), 114202, 2017

    7. Qian Zhou, Jianqiang Yu, Libo Zhao, Desheng Li, Kui Wu, Jianhua Zhu, Jinghe Yuan, Xiaohong Fang; Super-Resolution Optical Subtraction Microscopy Using Optical Scattering Imaging, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica(物理化学学报), 32(5),1123-1128, 2016 

    8. Jie Peng, Jianhua Zhu, Tong Li; Numerical simulation and optimization of beam quality of 2.1 μm Cr, Tm, Ho:YAG laser with symmetric spherical resonator based on gradient-reflectivity mirror, Optics Communications, Vol.368, 20-26, 2016

    9. Yu Zhao, Jie Zhong, Yan Ye, Zhenxiong Luo, Jun Li, Zeren Li, Jianhua Zhu; Sensitive polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide based photopolymer for single pulse holographic recording, Materials Letters, 138, 284-286, 2015

    10. Tao Wei, Zhiying Tan, Jianfeng Li, Jianhua Zhu; Theoretical and experimental study of the pump pulse width optimization of the Yb-doped fiber amplifier, Optik, 124(16), 2459-2462, 2013

    11. Xiaoqing Li, Xiaoling Ji, Tao Wang, Jianhua Zhu; Matrix formulation of higher-order moments of partially coherent beams propagating through atmospheric turbulence along a slanted path, Journal of Optics, 15 (12), 125720(1-8), 2013

    12. Qiao-Jun Liu, S. K. Fong, Andrew Y. S. Cheng, Shi-Rong Luo, K. S. Tam, Jian-Hua Zhu, A. Viseu; High-sensitive automatic transient laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system with high temporal and spatial resolution, Chin. Phys. B, 21(8), 08740201-07, 2012

    13. Qiao-jun Liu, A Y S Cheng, Jian-hua Zhu, S K Fong, S W Chang, K S TAM, A Viseu; Ultraviolet Mie Lidar Observations of Aerosol Extinction in a Dust Storm Case over Macao, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis(光谱学与光谱分析), 32(3)625-629, 2012

    14. Wu Jing, Yao Lieming, Zhu Jianhua, Han Xiaoyu, Li Wenzhu; Profile Measurement of Ion Temperature and Toroidal Rotation Velocity with Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy Diagnostics in the HL-2A Tokamak, Plasma Science & Technology, 14(11), 953-957, 2012

    15. Tao Wei, Jianfeng Li, Jianhua Zhu; Theoretical and experimental study of transient response of the Yb-doped fiber amplifierChinese Optics Letters, 10(4), 040605, 2012

    16. Jianhua Zhu, Guixi Wang, Yi Hao, Bang Xie, Andrew Y S Cheng; Highly sensitive and spatially resolved polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide photopolymer for real-time holographic applications, Opt. Express, 18(17), 18106-18122, 2010

    17. Jianhua Zhu, Chongwei Jin, Xiaoya Duan, Yongkang Guo, Jun Yao; One-step Fabrication of Achromatic Spherical Microlens Array on Enzyme Etched Gelatin Film, Microelectronic Eng, 86(4-6), 1096-1098, 2009

    18. Jianfeng Li, Kailiang Duan, Yishan Wang, Wei Zhao, Jianhua Zhu, Yongkang Guo; High-power coherent beam combining of two photonic crystal fiber lasers, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20(9-12), 888-890, 2008

    19. Jianfeng Li, Jianhua Zhu, Yongkang Guo, Xiangdi Li, Kailiang Duan, Yishan Wang, Qing Tang; Calibration of a portable laser 3-D scanner used by a robot and its use in measurement, Opt. Eng., 47(1), 017202(1-8), 2008

    20. Jianhua Zhu, Yixiao Zhang, Guangxing Dong, Yongkang Guo, Lurong Guo; Single-layer panchromatic dichromated gelatin material for Lippmann color holography, Opt. Commun., 241(1-3), 17-21, 2004

    21. Jianhua Zhu, Guangxing Dong, XiaoWei Guo, Li Chen, Jianfeng Li; Methylene-blue sensitized dichromated gelatin: wide-range color adjustment of reflection hologram, Pure Appl. Opt., 6(1), 132-136, 2004

    22. Jianhua Zhu, Andrew Y. S. Cheng; A high-speed automatic spectrometer based on a solid-state non-collinear acousto-optic tunable filter, Chinese Optics Letters, 1(2), 85-87, 2003

    23. Qinjun Peng, Yongkang Guo, Jianhua Zhu, Yangsu Zeng, Shijie Liu; A microcylindrical lens array made of silver-halide sensitized gelatin etched by an enzyme with a real-time mask, J. Modern Opt., 50(11), 1725-1734, 2003

    24. Feng Gao, Jianhua Zhu, Qizhong Huang, Yixiao Zhang, Yangsu Zeng, Fuhua Gao, Yongkang Guo, Zheng Cui; Electron-beam lithography to improve quality of computer-generated hologram, Microelectronic Eng., 61-62, 363-369, 2002

    25. Andrew Y. S. Cheng, Jianhua Zhu, Michael C. Pau; Characterization of a Non-collinear Acousto-optic Tunable Filter and its Resolution Enhancement as a Near-infrared Spectrometer, Appl. Spectroscopy, 55(3), 350-355, 2001

    26. Jianhua Zhu, Ketai Wang, Lurong Guo, Yongkang Guo; Photoetching cellulose-film recording material and fabrication of double-faced micro-optical elements, Appl. Opt., 37(20), 4330-4336,1998



    E-mail: zhujh@scu.edu.cn