在Nuclear fusion, Plasma physics and controlled fusion, Physics of Plasmas等聚变等离子体高水平主流期刊上发表SCI学术论文50余篇,担任Nuclear fusion, Plasma physics and controlled fusion, Physics of Plasmas,Plasma Science and Technology等期刊审稿人。承担包括国家磁约束聚变能发展研究专项青年科学家项目、自然科学基金面上项目、科技部ITER专项子课题、自然科学基金青年基金等项目8项。
1. S. Y. Chen, M. Gao, C. J. Tang and X. D. Peng, “Interaction between electromagnetic waves and plasma waves in motional plasma”, Physics of Plasmas 16, 062107 (2009).
2. S. Y. Chen, B. B. Hong, Y. Liu, W. Lu, J. Huang, C. J. Tang, X. T. Ding, X. J. Zhang and Y. J. Hu, “Numerical analysis on the synergy between electron cyclotron current drive and lower hybrid current drive in tokamak plasma”, Plasma physics and controlled fusion 54, 115002 (2012).
3. S. Y. Chen, J. Huang, Z. H. Wang and C. J. Tang, “Simulation of Peeling-Ballooning Modes with Pellet Injection”, Physics of Plasmas 21, 112512 (2014).
4. S. Y. Chen, M. L. Mou, T. Q. Liu, Y. M. Zhang, L. K. Dong, H. Fan, X. Lu, and C. J. Tang “Effect of hyper-resistivity on ballooning modes with resonant magnetic perturbations”, Plasma physics and controlled fusion 66, 045001 (2024).
5. J. Huang, S. Y. Chen* and C. J. Tang, “Dependence of synergy current driven by lower hybrid wave and electron cyclotron wave on the frequency and parallel refractive index of electron cyclotron wave for Tokamaks”, Physics of Plasmas 21, 012508 (2014).
6. J. Huang, S. Y. Chen*, Z. H. Wang and C. J. Tang, “Nonlinear simulations of particle source effects on Edge Localized Mode”, Physics of Plasmas 22, 122507 (2015).
7. J. Huang, S. Y. Chen* and C. J. Tang, “Simulations of peeling-ballooning modes with electron cyclotron resonance heating” , Physics of Plasmas 23, 052513 (2016).
8. Y. Luo, S. Y. Chen*, J. Huang, Y. Y. Xiong and C. J. Tang, “Influence of equilibrium shear flow in the parallel magnetic direction on edge localized mode crash” , Physics of Plasmas 23, 042302 (2016).
9. M. L. Mou, J. Huang, N. Wu, S. Y. Chen* and C. J. Tang, “The impact of static magnetic perturbations on edge localized modes” , Physics Letters A 380, 2544 (2016).
10. N. Wu, S. Y. Chen*, X. M. Song, M. L. Mou, J. Huang, Z. T. Wang, C. J. Tang, X. Song, F. Xia, M. Jiang and HL-2A Team “Experiment study of edge localized mode with plasma vertical jogging in HL-2A tokamak” , Physics of Plasmas 24, 092507 (2017).
11. M. L. Mou, S. Y. Chen∗, K. L. Wang, C. C. Qin, Q. Ma, L. K. Dong, L. M. Zhu and C. J. Tang, “Effect of pedestal density on the formation of small edge localized modes”, Nuclear Fusion 62, 126023 (2022).
12. K. L. Dong, S. Y. Chen∗, M. L. Mou, C. C. Qin and C. J. Tang, “The effect of the plasma response on peeling–ballooning modes during edge localized modes mitigated by resonant magnetic perturbations”, Nuclear Fusion 63, 086023 (2023).
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