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    7、结构光3D成像: 将有一定规律的光强分布投射到待成像3D物体上,使用相机记录物体表面光场的畸变情况,再依据一定的算法可以解析出物体的3D信息(但与前述真3D像有所不同)。该方向有着强烈的应用背景。








    [1] Anti-scattering optical information transmission based on iterative wavefront shaping in perturbation environment, Results in Physics, 2023

    [2] A simple method to modulate the scattered light field under strong disturbance, OPT LETT, 2022

    [3] Fully continuous spiral phase plate for ultraintense optical vortices, OPT LETT, 2023

    [4] Hybrid resonance metasurface for a lithium niobate electro-optical modulator, OPT LETT, 2022

    [5] Controlling a scattered field output of light passing through turbid medium using an improved ant colony optimization algorithm, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021

    [6] Wavefront shaping using improved sparrow search algorithm to control the scattering light field, OPT LASER TECHNOL, 2022

    [7] Application and influencing factors analysis of Pix2pix network in scattering imaging, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2023

    [8] Detailed study on ill-conditioned transmission matrices when focusing light through scattering media based on wavefront shaping, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2020

    [9] Improve the precision and accuracy of retrieval of particle size-distribution based the unconstrained linear regression, OPTIK, 2019

    [10] Adjustment of laser scattering focus with machine learning, LASER PHYSICS, 2018

    [11] Focusing light through random scattering media by simulated annealing algorithm, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2018

    [12] Particle swarm optimization to focus coherent light through disordered media, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 2018

    [13] Image reconstruction through thin scattering media by simulated annealing algorithm, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018

    [14] Retrieval of NO2 density using diffused solar radiation from buildings, OPTIK, 2018

    [15] Binary wavefront optimization using particle swarm algorithm, LASER PHYSICS, 2018

    [16] Binary wavefront optimization using a simulated annealing algorithm, Applied Optics, 2018

    [17] Analysis of charge-exchange spectroscopy data by combining genetic and Gauss-Newton algorithms, J QUANT SPECTROSC RA, 2015

    [18] Influence of cell length on retrieval of particle size-distribution based on light scattering, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2014

    [19] Improve the accuracy of retrieval of the particle size-distribution by combining the laser scattering method and the extinction method, LASER PHY LETT, 2012

    [20] Discussion concerning ill-conditioned kernel matrices when retrieving particle size distributions based on scattered radiation distribution, J OPT SOC AM, 2012

    [21] Improve the precision and accuracy of retrieval of particle size-distribution based the unconstrained linear regression, J OPT SOC AM-B, 2012

    [22] Detailed study on the role of forward scattering in particle sizing based on spherical particle model, J QUANT SPECTROSC RA, 2013

    [23] Retrieve the aerosol size-distribution by using a “combined model”, OPT LASER TECHNOL, 2010

    [24] Comparison of Aerosol Size-Distributions Using Linear-Regression, Genetic Algorithm and Annealing Genetic Algorithm, ENVIRON ENG SCI, 2011

    [25] Improving the accuracy in retrieving particle size distribution using multi-wavelength scattering, J MOD OPTIC, 2012

    [26] A technique to improve the precision of retrieving the aerosol size-distribution,OPT LETT,2010

    [27] Selecting appropriate wavelengths to improve the precision of retrieving the aerosol size-distribution, J QUANT SPECTROSC RA, 2010

    [28] Equiangular method: a technique of multiaxis DOAS, J OPT SOC AM-B, 2009

    [29] Retrieving the vertical column density of NO2 by using multiaxis differential optical absorption spectroscopy technique, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2009